Monday, April 25, 2016

Thoughts on Effective Attitudes Towards Life

Here are some thoughts on effective attitudes towards life:

If we magnified our successes as much as we magnify our disappointments, we’d all be much happier. ~ Abraham Lincoln

A true friend sees the first tear, catches the second and stops the third!!

When the middle is well and good, the past is repaired and the future is prepared. ~ Mable Murray Canty

Monday, April 18, 2016

Thoughts on How to Reach for Solutions

Here are some thoughts on how to reach for solutions:

Today is the day . . . Make your time useful and excel in something you have dreamed for. ~ Phil Dellbovi

Don’t look at things as a problem. Look at them as a challenge, an opportunity and an experience. ~ Millie Fasco

May today bring you the joy that escaped your reach yesterday; the focus to strive for a better tomorrow; the motivation to live victoriously today. ~ Janice Harris

Monday, April 11, 2016

Fabulous Quotes on the Art of Living

Here are some fabulous thoughts on the art of living:

Everything is possible under the sun if we just put our cares away and really start living. A lot of time will be saved conscientiously doing things that make us productive every way. ~ Leandro Pasamba

Sometimes, it’s not the pain you suffer; it’s your own negative thoughts that make things seem worse.

Each choice we make causes a ripple effect in our lives. When things happen to us, it is the reaction we choose that can create the difference between the sorrow of our past and the joy in our future. ~ Bradley Whitford

Monday, April 4, 2016

Thoughts on Being Unstoppable and Having Faith

Here are a few powerful thoughts on being unstoppable and having faith

Never give in. Never give up. Be relentless. Be unstoppable. Be so hungry that it keeps you awake. You can accomplish anything. This is your time.

If you have faith and hope, you will remain positive and there will be no room to worry. Remember, life has more to offer you and you have the ability to be strong. ~ Jesse Mary Kavumpurath

It’s not who you are that holds you back, it’s who you think you’re not.